Monday, December 22, 2008


Oh, and by the way. My mom just has to tell everyone, ugh. I really do laugh at myself. But I'm really not that ashamed of it because it's fun and entertaining. Everyone is just jealous of me!! You know you are. You just don't want to admit it. You wish you could change your laugh whenever you want. Or just laugh at yourself for no reason. Not very many people can to that. So WHAT NOW?!?!?!?!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALVIN!!!! Today is my friend, Calvin Hansen's birthday!! He would be 14!! We had our own little party. If Calvin was still alive, he would have been partying with us!! Ha ha. Anyway, me, Amber, Kimmi, and Cheyenne (even though Cheyenne didn't know Calvin) had a little party at Amber's house. I bet her mom got sick of us by the time she left for work!! Ha ha. I was telling everybody that if Calvin was having a party in heaven, he probably wouldn't be having any fun because I wasn't there. But I was kidding!! He probably did have a party, and he probably had tons of fun. Even though we weren't there. But his spirit was probably even with us and we didn't even know it. Ha ha. Amber and I still need to go to the cemetery and put stuff on his grave. But Kimmi already went today before she came to Amber's. The weather was too bad for us to go up there later though. And no one wanted to take us. But anyway, we had a fun day today and wish Calvin was still here. But we will see him again soon. Can't wait!! Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALVIN. AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Night

Well last night, along with every Friday night, I had another sleepover. At Amber's house. It was so much fun!! I was there all day yesterday after school. Ha ha. Kimmi came over too. We watched movies, played in the snow, and just had a good time. We were up till like 2 in the morning and when we finally passed out. Ha ha. We tried to stay awake, but it didn't work too well. We tried using caffeine to stay awake. It sorta helped, but not all that much. We were running wild in the snow. It was hilarious. Then this morning we woke up around 8:30 a.m. Kimmi and I had to be home and Amber had to babysit her brothers. So we got up and left. Then today I had to do chores and deliver Christmas gifts to the neighbors. I'm still not done with my chores. So I better go finish.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

1. I''m thankful for my mother. She is always here for me. Whenever i'm down, she'll always pick me back up and help me with whatever.

2. Every single one of my friends. Too many to count. They always make me smile and we always have the best times together.

3. Sports. If it weren't for sports, I would probably be a couch potato sitting on my butt 24-7 not doing anything. Besides being with friends. But my friends do sports with my also. Which is so much fun!! I love it! My favorite sports are Football, Softball, Dance, Volleyball, and Basketball.

4. The holiday spirit. I'm glad we get to have so many days a year to be happy and cheerful and just exciting.

5. My father. If it weren't for him I would always be sad. I couldn't live without my dad. I'm such a daddy's girl and pretty much everyone knows that. I love cuddling with him. It's kinda sad that he has another part-time job, I don't get to see him as often as I used to. But I still get to see him.

Just.... Lately

Okay, so Colton Is gone on his mission now. Has been gone for over a week. *Sigh* I miss him. Just knowing he will be gone for two weeks makes me sad. He was always so nice to me. Ha ha. Ont of the last things he said to me, not the last, but one of the last, was "Wow Kadee, pretty sexy." Ha ha. He said that because Molly gave me a makeover. Ha ha. It was fun. I just asked her to do my hair. But she did my make-up and everything. This is what I got. It was way fun to see what Molly could do with my hair and everything. I could never picture myself like that. Ha ha. Anyway, so tonight I went to Amber's. I'm always there. It's my second home. But we had so much fun!! Her brothers are so cute. When I left I gave Amber a hug and her little brother Austin was yelling at me, "Come back, I want a hug." He is so cute. That picture is of him being silly when we got home from school. We were hanging out all night. Lol. I was sitting in Amber's room and I snapped into a cleaning mood. So I told her I was going to clean out her messy closet. I kept finding change EVERYWHERE!!! So I told her whatever money I found, I was going to keep. Ha ha. So all together I found $2.08 It was funny. All in change too. I had fun. After I finished cleaning, we went CRAZY!! We always do, so it's nothing new. Just the normal Amber and Kadee Moments. Ha ha. I'm so glad we're friends!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thankful Thursday

1. My family!! If it weren't for them, I dunno where I would be! They are always here for me and even though we don't get along sometimes, I still love them. All my family! (Even the ones I don't see very much.)
2. My friends!! I probably wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for them!! They always have my back, and no matter what happens, I know they will always be there for me.
3. My phone. If I didn't have a phone, I would pretty much die. I am always on my phone. And even though most older people (no offence to anyone) don't like them, they are very important these days!!
4. Holidays!! If it weren't for holidays, I would never get a break. From school, or anything. I really like holidays! (My favorite is Halloween. Ha ha)
5. The gospel!! If I didn't have the gospel in my life I would be so sad, and who knows where I would be. And I'm very proud of my two cousins, Cameron and Colton. I'm very glad they are going on/already on their missions. They are great examples to me and everyone else in our family.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sleepover Fun!!

Well today we didn't have school. So last night me and some friends had a sleepover. It was way fun. At about 12:00 this morning we decided we would do make-overs to keep us from falling asleep. And it worked. We were up late doing Kayla's hair and make-up. Amber wanted to do her hair and I wanted to do her make-up. It was fun. Then when we finished Kayla's make-over Amber and Kayla decided they wanted to give me a make-over. So Kayla started doing my hair and Amber did my make-up. After Amber finished my make-up and Kayla straightened my hair we decided we were done for the night, so we would go to bed. We washed our faces and went to bed. Ha ha. The next morning we were really lazy, Kayla had to go home, then Kimmi came over. We were still being lazy, then we decided to do make-overs again. So we started with Kimmi this time. I did her make-up and Amber did her hair. She looked so cute. See for yourself.
We were so excited after we finished her hair and make-up. It was so much fun! So after we finished Kimmi's make-over they decided they wanted to give me a makeover again. So Kimmi did my make-up and Amber did my hair. I love it!!
After my make-over, Kimmi had to go home. We felt bad. Because Kayla was coming over and we were going to give both her and Amber a make-over. So we told Amber to wash off her make-up she already had on, then we started on her make-over. I did her hair and Kayla did her make-up. She looked so adorable! She always does! So finally, after we finished with Amber, we started Kayla's make-over. Amber did her hair and I did her make-up. If you can't tell, Amber did the most hair and I did most of the make-up. Ha ha. It's what we were best at though. But Kayla and Kimmi helped us also. Anyway, for Kayla's make-over. She looked the most different out of all of us. Just because she doesn't wear make-up, and the rest of us do. Ha ha. Anyway, Kayla looked so cute!! Kayla was kinda in a hurry to go because her dad was waiting outside. So thats why she looks funny. (No offence Kayla.)
Well I have more pictures of all of us. Well, not Kimmi. I have some of just me and Kimmi and I have some of Me, Kayla, and Amber. So I'll put them on here also. If you can't tell, that was a very fun sleepover. And I'm excited for the next sleepover!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Surprisingly For Me

Yeah. Well everyone else put this on their blog. So I figured I would do the same. Last night we went to see the screening of Twilight. It was actually good. And that is surprising for me. Because I'm so anti-Twilight. I told Jess I actually liked it and he was shocked! Ha ha. Well It was amazing. I am actually excited for the next movie. It's going to be good too. Although I was confused all throughout that movie. But I can't wait! It's going to be fun!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Week

This week has been kinda crazy. But fun!! In P.E. we are playing basketball and it is so much fun!! I am pretty good, but I'm not the best. We've won 3/5 games. There are only 2 of us on our team, and we've played 2 on 3 for 2 of the games. Yeah, you probably think what I'm saying is all just confusing. And I know, it really is! But anyway, it's been so cold around here lately!! FREEZING!! And I don't really like it! But I should get over it. Ha ha. Well I know, I'm boring, but I don't have anything that is much fun to say. So I guess this is it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Night... And The Next Day

Halloween was so much fun!! I was Tinker Bell. Ha ha. And Kayla was just a fairy. Everyone said we were too old. But I don't get it. How can you ever be too old to go trick-or-treating?! I got lots of candy and we had so much fun. But we were out for like ever. We started at 5:30 p.m. and finished at 9:30 p.m. because mom said it was too late. So we stopped. Then that night I slept over at Amber's house. First, we sorted candy. Then, we went downstairs and laid down. Well.. First we ate. But then we laid down. But I didn't get much sleep that night. Amber's brothers ate too much candy, so they got sick. They were screaming upstairs when they woke me up. So it was a long night. The first time I woke Amber up, she just forgot about it. Then later they woke me up again. So I woke her up again and she finally got up and went to see what was going on. She saw that they were sick and woke her parents up. Finally we got some sleep. The next morning, her brothers woke me up again. But I wasn't tired anymore. So it was all good. And my mom told me I had to go home early, so I called her to come pick me up. We went home and I ate then had to go to softball practice. It seemed like forever. And we ran like crazy. Later that night, my mom and dad went to dinner with Tom and Lorie. Then after they went there, they went to Cahill's birthday party and Amber came over. We are ALWAYS together. We're both surprised that we can handle each other that much. Ha ha. You would think we would get sick of each other. But we don't. Ha ha. Anyway. I'm done now.

Calvin Hansen (R.I.P)

Calvin Hansen passed away Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 8:30 p.m. in a rollover car accident when he wasn't wearing his seat belt. Him and his family were on their way to LasVegas, Nevada to visit his grandparents. His mom lost control and when she tried to correct herself the car rolled several times. The rest of the family is okay, but everyone misses Calvin deeply!! He was one of my best friends! I'll always have a place for him in my heart! I am so glad I had the chance to know him and I'm so glad we were friends. He was kinda like a brother to me. We would always fight like brother and sister but we couldn't be mad at each other for very long because we were so close. I could always trust him with everything. He always could make me smile! He cared for everyone he saw especially his friends and family! His family was a very big part of his life, and so was scouting! If anyone were to pick on his brothers he would tell them to back off. He was also a fruit freak! He liked every kind of fruit you could name. And he's not a picky eater either. He tried lots of different foods just from what I heard. Like rattle snake. He was also a fast learner. He was way good at Spanish. I was so jealous because I can't speak it anywhere as good as him. He was also way good at football! We would play football all the time. He said I would be a good quarter back. (For a girl. Lol.) I will miss him so much but always remember him. He made a big impact in my life as well as others! I am so excited to see him again and I'm so glad that's possible!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Weekend

Okay. So I haven't been up to much lately. I can't believe my mom got a blog!! It's amazing!! Hers is probably better than mine!! Lol. But other than that, I got to go to Kayla's family's sealing in the Manti temple. I was way jealous that I didn't get to go in. But that's okay. Just more to look forward to. And then of course I had a sleepover on Friday night. Lol. And from the pictures on my mom's blog, you can tell that we had loads of fun!! Ha ha. But yeah. That's pretty much it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Finally an Update

Yeah yeah, I know. I'm a big slacker!!! I've been kinda busy and forgot I had one of these. Lol. But anyway, I'm loving 8th grade!!! It is my favorite so far. Lol. Well I really liked elementary, but this year is way fun!! I love it. I have made so many new friends!! I am so glad!! Well, not really much to talk about. I'm taking dance now, it's way fun!! I'm sore from yesterday, which is when I have dance, on Wednesdays. But yeah. It's way exciting!! I have lots of friends there!! Um... We got some new neighbors. They are way cool, but there aren't any my age. But that's okay. They are still way cool. But yeah, that's about it. I'll try and get on here more often!!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Wow!!! I haven't updated this in a long time!! Well Jess finally got home really really late last night, or I guess you could say really really early this morning! LOL. He got home a little after midnight. I was so excited! I missed him so much. Amazing, huh? LOL! I couldn't believe how much I missed him. But anyway, he is leaving again. It sucks!! But yeah. We are going to decorate his room. And i'm way glad he doesn't read this or he would probably kill me. LOL. But yeah. Um... let me think what else is going on. Tonight we are having a BBQ for Jess. And Colton is going on a mission soon!! So exciting! Cameron is doing so great!!! I miss him a lot!!! I'll miss Colton too! And Jess is probably going on a mission, so thats three people gone all at once!! :-( Oh well I'll get over it. And plus i'm done. So i'll try to keep writing on this!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Okay. So my mom and dad have been in training for the last week and tonight and so it's just me and Dal. It is so boring!! There is nothing to do. And there is no food in our house!! But they are almost done!! I can't wait! So.... uh my phone broke so I haven't had a phone since like last Tuesday!! It sucked. But I got a new one today! I was so happy! But I don't know like any one's number!! I had most of them written down. But not all of them. So ya. That's all for now!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Okay, so I haven't posted anything in a long time!! This 4Th of July weekend my Christofferson side of the family went on our family camp out that we have every year. It was so much fun! I was completely covered in dirt!! LOL!! It got boring at times cuz I have like no cousins that are my age and my older cousins won't usually hang out with me and the younger ones sometimes get annoying. But one of the funnest activities I did with the little kids is painting rocks. I made some cute rocks. LOL. Everyone would be jealous. JK!!!!! So the weekend before the 4Th of July weekend my softball team wend to an Orem Owlz baseball game. We did what was called the field of dreams. It's where a baseball or softball team goes to the game and they go out on the field to the positions they play with the players. It was so much fun!! The game ended up to be 13 innings long. But our team had so much fun!! Anyway, I'm going to bed now. It is really late. I'll try to keep everyone updated.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Weekend

Okay this weekend fun! We went to Clinton and Lagoon! But we didn't have good luck!!! First of all, we lost all four games we played on Friday. And then yesterday we went to lagoon and they had a power outage. But oh well. we get to go back to lagoon!! YAY!!! Um..... idk what to talk about for now. But i'll put more updates later. For now. . . . I'm going to go take a nap!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Okay. Your probably thinking it's 11:20 at night at i'm writing on my blog. But I am up late like this pretty much every night. LOL! Earlier I was trying to get hyper by standing on my head and jumping on the couch and everything I could. But now i've calmed down and watching tv. I'm so excited for this weekend cuz i'm going to Clinton for a softball tournament. And then next week I have girls camp and then next weekend I have another softball tournanemt in Ephriam. Anyway, today was pretty fun. . . . . I woke up about 11 o' clock and ate breakfast. Then got ready for the day, and thats pretty much it untill mom got home from work. . . . . . . Then she went to a meeting and when she got home we went and got some ice cream! LIME!!! YUMMY!!! LOL!!!! From glades! And we came home and thats about it. LOL!! So i'm going to bed now. I have to babysit tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


HEY! My hair actually didn't get messed up. I did it really good. My bow fell out a couple times. But my friend MaKayla fixed it for me. LOL! Today I woke up at 7:30 A.M.! UGH! And it's summer. Oh well. It was for babysitting, and i got paid good money for it. LOL! Now i'm stitting on my lazy butt! LOL! At least i'm putting my laziness to good work. (Blogging) Anyway. Thats all I have to say for now.

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Day

Okay. I'm bored so I figured that I should write something. Now that it's summer there isn't much to do. Today I woke up and ate breakfast. Then I sat on my lazy butt until my mom got home from work. Then I watered my beautiful flowers that are making lots of progress. Then some strange guy knocked on the door and asked for my mom. But she was on the phone so he said he would come back later. He still hasn't come back. But anyway, after that I went and got ready and did my hair really cute for tonight. I have a softball game. I know your thinking it will get messed up. But it won't. LOL! After that I got bored so I got on the computer. I'm so excited for tonight! I hope we win. But we probably won't! I know. . . What great attitude have. LOL! But that's all I have to say for now.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Just an update

I really don't have anything interesting going on. I've been playing softball and that's about it. School got out on the 29th of May. On the 27th of May our school went to lagoon. It was so fun! I have a softball tournament next weekend. I hope we go good! Last week I planted some flowers in a pot and put them on the porch hoping they would grow. . . . And they are!!!!!!! How exciting!! I'm so happy!!!! I can keep a plant alive better than my mom! LOL. JK. But it's still really exciting! Anyway not much else to say. So i'll try to keep writing. Don't know if i'll remember. But oh well. I'm gunna go watch my favorite show now. I'll try to write back soon

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

FIrst Day In Nebraska

Hey everybody!! I'm in Nebraska!!! I'm so happy now!!! Shay is making me write in this!!! LOL! So today it took so long to get here!! All together it was like forever!!!! 12 hours!!! I don't know what to write but we have a good week in store for us!!! I'm so excited!! I get to go to school tomorrow. JK. Why would I go to school on my spring break? LOL. I will keep you updated!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fun Weekend

This last weekend was SOOOO fun!!! We played games, taught school, went to church and a boring fireside, a boring meeting, and watched the Red Sox win against the Yankees!! Heck ya ya!! So all together it was like totally rad!!!!

For Shay

Okay Shay. This is for you!! I really didn't want to write on this but I guess I will. Only for Shay! I get to go to Nebraska tomorrow!! I am SOOOOO excited!! Cuz I get to see my family!! So I will talk more about it when I get home!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Today was so fun and exciting! We woke up and had a big Easter breakfast. Purple pancakes, sausage, bacon, and milk. It was yummy. We had a sleepover last night...... Kinda. Two cousins came over and spent the night. Anyway, after breakfast we all got ready for the big day....... Christian's blessing! We got on our Sunday clothes and went on our journey to Molly's. Christian's dress was so long and pretty! We went to the blessing and then had a family/friend dinner. It was so yummy! We played and talked and ate and everything fun. Then we took our journey back home. It was a memorable day!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Hey everyone!! I havn't added anythig really lately. But anyway, don't have much going on. I had a sleep over two nights in a row. It was awesome! Um.... 3rd term ended on this Thursday. not much else. I love texting Shay! She is so fun to talk to. And all my other friends! But anyway thats pretty much it! I will hope to write more soon!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We are now starting an accelerated softball team. I have lots of new friends on it. We are called the Cyclones. I am "Harold" #16!! (My daddy gave me that nick name!) Anyway we are exited to have a new team and excited to play. I can't Wait til summer!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hi everybody!! I am new at this and excited to do it. But I will try my hardest!! This last weekend I had a basketball tournament. Our first game was on Thursday, March 6th and and it was tough but we won! Our second game was on Friday, March 7th and it was close. But we lost. It was my best friends team! Our last game was on Saturday, March 8th. It was even closer then our game the day before. and we lost! We took 5th place it the tournament. Ir was a great weekend!