Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Weekend

Okay this weekend fun! We went to Clinton and Lagoon! But we didn't have good luck!!! First of all, we lost all four games we played on Friday. And then yesterday we went to lagoon and they had a power outage. But oh well. we get to go back to lagoon!! YAY!!! Um..... idk what to talk about for now. But i'll put more updates later. For now. . . . I'm going to go take a nap!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Okay. Your probably thinking it's 11:20 at night at i'm writing on my blog. But I am up late like this pretty much every night. LOL! Earlier I was trying to get hyper by standing on my head and jumping on the couch and everything I could. But now i've calmed down and watching tv. I'm so excited for this weekend cuz i'm going to Clinton for a softball tournament. And then next week I have girls camp and then next weekend I have another softball tournanemt in Ephriam. Anyway, today was pretty fun. . . . . I woke up about 11 o' clock and ate breakfast. Then got ready for the day, and thats pretty much it untill mom got home from work. . . . . . . Then she went to a meeting and when she got home we went and got some ice cream! LIME!!! YUMMY!!! LOL!!!! From glades! And we came home and thats about it. LOL!! So i'm going to bed now. I have to babysit tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


HEY! My hair actually didn't get messed up. I did it really good. My bow fell out a couple times. But my friend MaKayla fixed it for me. LOL! Today I woke up at 7:30 A.M.! UGH! And it's summer. Oh well. It was for babysitting, and i got paid good money for it. LOL! Now i'm stitting on my lazy butt! LOL! At least i'm putting my laziness to good work. (Blogging) Anyway. Thats all I have to say for now.

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Day

Okay. I'm bored so I figured that I should write something. Now that it's summer there isn't much to do. Today I woke up and ate breakfast. Then I sat on my lazy butt until my mom got home from work. Then I watered my beautiful flowers that are making lots of progress. Then some strange guy knocked on the door and asked for my mom. But she was on the phone so he said he would come back later. He still hasn't come back. But anyway, after that I went and got ready and did my hair really cute for tonight. I have a softball game. I know your thinking it will get messed up. But it won't. LOL! After that I got bored so I got on the computer. I'm so excited for tonight! I hope we win. But we probably won't! I know. . . What great attitude have. LOL! But that's all I have to say for now.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Just an update

I really don't have anything interesting going on. I've been playing softball and that's about it. School got out on the 29th of May. On the 27th of May our school went to lagoon. It was so fun! I have a softball tournament next weekend. I hope we go good! Last week I planted some flowers in a pot and put them on the porch hoping they would grow. . . . And they are!!!!!!! How exciting!! I'm so happy!!!! I can keep a plant alive better than my mom! LOL. JK. But it's still really exciting! Anyway not much else to say. So i'll try to keep writing. Don't know if i'll remember. But oh well. I'm gunna go watch my favorite show now. I'll try to write back soon