Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sleepover Fun!!

Well today we didn't have school. So last night me and some friends had a sleepover. It was way fun. At about 12:00 this morning we decided we would do make-overs to keep us from falling asleep. And it worked. We were up late doing Kayla's hair and make-up. Amber wanted to do her hair and I wanted to do her make-up. It was fun. Then when we finished Kayla's make-over Amber and Kayla decided they wanted to give me a make-over. So Kayla started doing my hair and Amber did my make-up. After Amber finished my make-up and Kayla straightened my hair we decided we were done for the night, so we would go to bed. We washed our faces and went to bed. Ha ha. The next morning we were really lazy, Kayla had to go home, then Kimmi came over. We were still being lazy, then we decided to do make-overs again. So we started with Kimmi this time. I did her make-up and Amber did her hair. She looked so cute. See for yourself.
We were so excited after we finished her hair and make-up. It was so much fun! So after we finished Kimmi's make-over they decided they wanted to give me a makeover again. So Kimmi did my make-up and Amber did my hair. I love it!!
After my make-over, Kimmi had to go home. We felt bad. Because Kayla was coming over and we were going to give both her and Amber a make-over. So we told Amber to wash off her make-up she already had on, then we started on her make-over. I did her hair and Kayla did her make-up. She looked so adorable! She always does! So finally, after we finished with Amber, we started Kayla's make-over. Amber did her hair and I did her make-up. If you can't tell, Amber did the most hair and I did most of the make-up. Ha ha. It's what we were best at though. But Kayla and Kimmi helped us also. Anyway, for Kayla's make-over. She looked the most different out of all of us. Just because she doesn't wear make-up, and the rest of us do. Ha ha. Anyway, Kayla looked so cute!! Kayla was kinda in a hurry to go because her dad was waiting outside. So thats why she looks funny. (No offence Kayla.)
Well I have more pictures of all of us. Well, not Kimmi. I have some of just me and Kimmi and I have some of Me, Kayla, and Amber. So I'll put them on here also. If you can't tell, that was a very fun sleepover. And I'm excited for the next sleepover!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Surprisingly For Me

Yeah. Well everyone else put this on their blog. So I figured I would do the same. Last night we went to see the screening of Twilight. It was actually good. And that is surprising for me. Because I'm so anti-Twilight. I told Jess I actually liked it and he was shocked! Ha ha. Well It was amazing. I am actually excited for the next movie. It's going to be good too. Although I was confused all throughout that movie. But I can't wait! It's going to be fun!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Week

This week has been kinda crazy. But fun!! In P.E. we are playing basketball and it is so much fun!! I am pretty good, but I'm not the best. We've won 3/5 games. There are only 2 of us on our team, and we've played 2 on 3 for 2 of the games. Yeah, you probably think what I'm saying is all just confusing. And I know, it really is! But anyway, it's been so cold around here lately!! FREEZING!! And I don't really like it! But I should get over it. Ha ha. Well I know, I'm boring, but I don't have anything that is much fun to say. So I guess this is it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Night... And The Next Day

Halloween was so much fun!! I was Tinker Bell. Ha ha. And Kayla was just a fairy. Everyone said we were too old. But I don't get it. How can you ever be too old to go trick-or-treating?! I got lots of candy and we had so much fun. But we were out for like ever. We started at 5:30 p.m. and finished at 9:30 p.m. because mom said it was too late. So we stopped. Then that night I slept over at Amber's house. First, we sorted candy. Then, we went downstairs and laid down. Well.. First we ate. But then we laid down. But I didn't get much sleep that night. Amber's brothers ate too much candy, so they got sick. They were screaming upstairs when they woke me up. So it was a long night. The first time I woke Amber up, she just forgot about it. Then later they woke me up again. So I woke her up again and she finally got up and went to see what was going on. She saw that they were sick and woke her parents up. Finally we got some sleep. The next morning, her brothers woke me up again. But I wasn't tired anymore. So it was all good. And my mom told me I had to go home early, so I called her to come pick me up. We went home and I ate then had to go to softball practice. It seemed like forever. And we ran like crazy. Later that night, my mom and dad went to dinner with Tom and Lorie. Then after they went there, they went to Cahill's birthday party and Amber came over. We are ALWAYS together. We're both surprised that we can handle each other that much. Ha ha. You would think we would get sick of each other. But we don't. Ha ha. Anyway. I'm done now.

Calvin Hansen (R.I.P)

Calvin Hansen passed away Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 8:30 p.m. in a rollover car accident when he wasn't wearing his seat belt. Him and his family were on their way to LasVegas, Nevada to visit his grandparents. His mom lost control and when she tried to correct herself the car rolled several times. The rest of the family is okay, but everyone misses Calvin deeply!! He was one of my best friends! I'll always have a place for him in my heart! I am so glad I had the chance to know him and I'm so glad we were friends. He was kinda like a brother to me. We would always fight like brother and sister but we couldn't be mad at each other for very long because we were so close. I could always trust him with everything. He always could make me smile! He cared for everyone he saw especially his friends and family! His family was a very big part of his life, and so was scouting! If anyone were to pick on his brothers he would tell them to back off. He was also a fruit freak! He liked every kind of fruit you could name. And he's not a picky eater either. He tried lots of different foods just from what I heard. Like rattle snake. He was also a fast learner. He was way good at Spanish. I was so jealous because I can't speak it anywhere as good as him. He was also way good at football! We would play football all the time. He said I would be a good quarter back. (For a girl. Lol.) I will miss him so much but always remember him. He made a big impact in my life as well as others! I am so excited to see him again and I'm so glad that's possible!