Monday, December 22, 2008


Oh, and by the way. My mom just has to tell everyone, ugh. I really do laugh at myself. But I'm really not that ashamed of it because it's fun and entertaining. Everyone is just jealous of me!! You know you are. You just don't want to admit it. You wish you could change your laugh whenever you want. Or just laugh at yourself for no reason. Not very many people can to that. So WHAT NOW?!?!?!?!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALVIN!!!! Today is my friend, Calvin Hansen's birthday!! He would be 14!! We had our own little party. If Calvin was still alive, he would have been partying with us!! Ha ha. Anyway, me, Amber, Kimmi, and Cheyenne (even though Cheyenne didn't know Calvin) had a little party at Amber's house. I bet her mom got sick of us by the time she left for work!! Ha ha. I was telling everybody that if Calvin was having a party in heaven, he probably wouldn't be having any fun because I wasn't there. But I was kidding!! He probably did have a party, and he probably had tons of fun. Even though we weren't there. But his spirit was probably even with us and we didn't even know it. Ha ha. Amber and I still need to go to the cemetery and put stuff on his grave. But Kimmi already went today before she came to Amber's. The weather was too bad for us to go up there later though. And no one wanted to take us. But anyway, we had a fun day today and wish Calvin was still here. But we will see him again soon. Can't wait!! Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALVIN. AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Night

Well last night, along with every Friday night, I had another sleepover. At Amber's house. It was so much fun!! I was there all day yesterday after school. Ha ha. Kimmi came over too. We watched movies, played in the snow, and just had a good time. We were up till like 2 in the morning and when we finally passed out. Ha ha. We tried to stay awake, but it didn't work too well. We tried using caffeine to stay awake. It sorta helped, but not all that much. We were running wild in the snow. It was hilarious. Then this morning we woke up around 8:30 a.m. Kimmi and I had to be home and Amber had to babysit her brothers. So we got up and left. Then today I had to do chores and deliver Christmas gifts to the neighbors. I'm still not done with my chores. So I better go finish.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

1. I''m thankful for my mother. She is always here for me. Whenever i'm down, she'll always pick me back up and help me with whatever.

2. Every single one of my friends. Too many to count. They always make me smile and we always have the best times together.

3. Sports. If it weren't for sports, I would probably be a couch potato sitting on my butt 24-7 not doing anything. Besides being with friends. But my friends do sports with my also. Which is so much fun!! I love it! My favorite sports are Football, Softball, Dance, Volleyball, and Basketball.

4. The holiday spirit. I'm glad we get to have so many days a year to be happy and cheerful and just exciting.

5. My father. If it weren't for him I would always be sad. I couldn't live without my dad. I'm such a daddy's girl and pretty much everyone knows that. I love cuddling with him. It's kinda sad that he has another part-time job, I don't get to see him as often as I used to. But I still get to see him.

Just.... Lately

Okay, so Colton Is gone on his mission now. Has been gone for over a week. *Sigh* I miss him. Just knowing he will be gone for two weeks makes me sad. He was always so nice to me. Ha ha. Ont of the last things he said to me, not the last, but one of the last, was "Wow Kadee, pretty sexy." Ha ha. He said that because Molly gave me a makeover. Ha ha. It was fun. I just asked her to do my hair. But she did my make-up and everything. This is what I got. It was way fun to see what Molly could do with my hair and everything. I could never picture myself like that. Ha ha. Anyway, so tonight I went to Amber's. I'm always there. It's my second home. But we had so much fun!! Her brothers are so cute. When I left I gave Amber a hug and her little brother Austin was yelling at me, "Come back, I want a hug." He is so cute. That picture is of him being silly when we got home from school. We were hanging out all night. Lol. I was sitting in Amber's room and I snapped into a cleaning mood. So I told her I was going to clean out her messy closet. I kept finding change EVERYWHERE!!! So I told her whatever money I found, I was going to keep. Ha ha. So all together I found $2.08 It was funny. All in change too. I had fun. After I finished cleaning, we went CRAZY!! We always do, so it's nothing new. Just the normal Amber and Kadee Moments. Ha ha. I'm so glad we're friends!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thankful Thursday

1. My family!! If it weren't for them, I dunno where I would be! They are always here for me and even though we don't get along sometimes, I still love them. All my family! (Even the ones I don't see very much.)
2. My friends!! I probably wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for them!! They always have my back, and no matter what happens, I know they will always be there for me.
3. My phone. If I didn't have a phone, I would pretty much die. I am always on my phone. And even though most older people (no offence to anyone) don't like them, they are very important these days!!
4. Holidays!! If it weren't for holidays, I would never get a break. From school, or anything. I really like holidays! (My favorite is Halloween. Ha ha)
5. The gospel!! If I didn't have the gospel in my life I would be so sad, and who knows where I would be. And I'm very proud of my two cousins, Cameron and Colton. I'm very glad they are going on/already on their missions. They are great examples to me and everyone else in our family.