Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thankful Thursday

1. My family!! If it weren't for them, I dunno where I would be! They are always here for me and even though we don't get along sometimes, I still love them. All my family! (Even the ones I don't see very much.)
2. My friends!! I probably wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for them!! They always have my back, and no matter what happens, I know they will always be there for me.
3. My phone. If I didn't have a phone, I would pretty much die. I am always on my phone. And even though most older people (no offence to anyone) don't like them, they are very important these days!!
4. Holidays!! If it weren't for holidays, I would never get a break. From school, or anything. I really like holidays! (My favorite is Halloween. Ha ha)
5. The gospel!! If I didn't have the gospel in my life I would be so sad, and who knows where I would be. And I'm very proud of my two cousins, Cameron and Colton. I'm very glad they are going on/already on their missions. They are great examples to me and everyone else in our family.

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