Monday, December 22, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALVIN!!!! Today is my friend, Calvin Hansen's birthday!! He would be 14!! We had our own little party. If Calvin was still alive, he would have been partying with us!! Ha ha. Anyway, me, Amber, Kimmi, and Cheyenne (even though Cheyenne didn't know Calvin) had a little party at Amber's house. I bet her mom got sick of us by the time she left for work!! Ha ha. I was telling everybody that if Calvin was having a party in heaven, he probably wouldn't be having any fun because I wasn't there. But I was kidding!! He probably did have a party, and he probably had tons of fun. Even though we weren't there. But his spirit was probably even with us and we didn't even know it. Ha ha. Amber and I still need to go to the cemetery and put stuff on his grave. But Kimmi already went today before she came to Amber's. The weather was too bad for us to go up there later though. And no one wanted to take us. But anyway, we had a fun day today and wish Calvin was still here. But we will see him again soon. Can't wait!! Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALVIN. AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

I'm glad you had a party for him. We had one for him at home also. Keep his spirit alive!