Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Finally an Update

Sorry everybody!! I've been a real slacker lately!! I just don't get on the computer as much as I used to! But at least I'm finally giving you an update! Well, Saturday I went to my dance competition! It was SOOO much fun! I loved it and can't wait for the next one! It is at the end of this month. We are going to St.George! Anyways, I only compete my Hip Hop dance. My team took 3rd I think. But this one wasn't really a competition. We just got to preform and see how we would do against the other teams. My mom didn't take very many pictures. But I'll put some on.
Okay, so this is Amber (left), me (middle), and Kimmi (right), right after we preformed! I actually look somewhat like a dancer!! Ha ha. And obviously... Kimmi likes giving everybody hugs!! But then it makes you happy!! Ha ha. That's the good part! :) Ha ha. And this other picture is of me and Kimmi trying to give Amber a kiss on the cheek! She was kinda surprised. And if you can see it, she does have lipstick on her cheeks from us! Ha ha. Fun times, fun times! Anyways, after the comp. we just left and went home. But we'd been there almost all day! So I guess it was a good thing! Well, that's enough about that. Just to let you all know, today is my daddy's 43rd birthday! It seems like just yesterday he was turning only 39. Ha ha. Just kidding. I love my dad and just want him and everyone else to know that!! I'll update soon!.... Hopefully.