Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas, New Years, and After

Well, Christmas was fun!! I didn't go to bed till like 3 a.m. then Hayden called my cell phone and woke me up around 5 a.m. or so and woke me up. So I only got like 2 hours of sleep. So we woke up and opened presents. I got clothes, candy, banks (like piggy banks, but they aren't all pigs), and that's pretty much it. OH WAIT... I got a pomegranate in my stocking!! I was hoping Santa would leave one there for me!! Ha ha. So after we opened up all our presents and I went back to bed till like 10 a.m. or so. Then we all got ready and went up to Grandpa's for breakfast. But before we ate breakfast we opened presents. I got some more clothes from Jay and Trina and a 2 dollar bill from Grandpa. We ate breakfast and went back home to get ready to take our trip down to Grandma's. The trip there was not so great! It was snowing and blowing and just sucked! So we got there kinda early and waited for everyone to get there. I fell asleep again. Ha ha. But not for too long. And I woke up to Teancum throwing pillows on top of me. But that's okay. Teancum and I hung out just in the little front room. Then we ate and opened presents and left. Our trip home was even worse than our trip there! It was so scary! I was freaking out. But there was a good part to the trip home! Cameron called us!! YAY!!! We all got to talk to him. I was so excited!! He said he had a good Christmas. I'm so happy for our missionary!! And same with Colton!! I miss both of them so much!! Anyway, for New Years Eve I got to go to a Regional dance. It was pretty fun! I went with Kimmi, Amber, Hayden, and Hayden's friend Cody. It was pretty fun! But there were so many people there that it was like so hot!! The ride home was loud with our noise makers. We gave my mother a head ache. Ha ha. Then this weekend I had dance. I am so excited for competitions! It's going to be so much fun! I love just being with my friends!! Well that's pretty much it. I had lots of sleepovers like always. And just had tons of fun!! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!

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